grand canyon

Our Cross Country Road trip to California via Route 66!

Our Cross Country Road trip to California via Route 66!

Good grief, I don't even know where to begin when talking about our cross country trip to California! I guess I'll start with WE ARE CRAZY! We actually did it though!

My teeny Scion XB included the following items:  3 BMX bikes, 4 suitcases, 2 helmets, 1 giant cooler, a large camera bag, a small camera bag, a video camera, 4 skateboards, 1 pillow and 1 blanket and to top it ALL off... 3 people! To say we had any room at all was an understatement. 

We knew going into our trip that we had 2 entire weeks off so we didn't stress out on how much time it was going to take us to reach Los Angeles, which was nice. It gave us time to stop and see some really cool parts of the country and take it all in! 

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