So I was sitting around thinking about what I could do today. Then I thought to myself with a little help from a very inspiring photographer, why not give back to others? Isn't that a rewarding feeling! I wouldn't be where I am today in life, love and in general without the help I received from others. People who inspired me everyday to create something new, something exciting. To build on relationships and make each and everyday count!
So today I want to share with you some of my inspiration. I have linked a few creative individuals who have set the bar for me to become a better photographer. I have also linked a few sites that will give you some great tips on photographing your children! These tips are so important. They are helpful. They will drive you to be excited about your next photography session!
So take a look at these few sites that I found to be a step by step plan to produce better photography of your child and in general. These are some of the same rules I apply when I step out to take portraits of my son and of other people's children.
It's so important to realize first that children are children. They want to do the things that THEY want to do. If you can make a photography session more about them and less about what you are envisioning your session will go off without a hitch. So check these out!
This link will get your creative juices flowing as 5 photographer moms share their secrets about photographing kids!
This next link will give you some ideas on how to compose the perfect photograph and how to get down to the level of your child for the best shots!
This last link is going to give you 10 tips for taking terrific pictures of kids!
So you've checked out these links now right? Are you feeling like you have an edge on capturing your children better? Yes? Great! These tips are what will make a session go off without a hitch. You should feel more confident now that you have a few tricks up your sleeve.
I also want to share with you what inspires me to get out and create art, so here you go!
Want to see some inspiring portrait work? Something that makes you see a connection in time? Check out this photographers website! I have been following her for quite some time, and there is something so beautiful about her portraits of children in particular. She uses a certain mood to create an effect that is just outstanding. It speaks a 1000 words.
Part of being a creative minded person is looking for inspiration through all types of art and visual aids. You find works that inspire you to try for something bigger. Always look for something that inspires you to create a new piece of work. Whether it's a view on the street your walking down or an advertisement you see in your local paper. There is always something that can help get those creative juices flowing.
Here is another photographer who I find particularly inspiring. She wows me with her work. It is simple and I don't mean it's a simple portrait, I mean the elements used to produce the photograph are simple. Child plus natural background. Professional photographers who are great at what they do have experience and the know how to achieve what they are looking for from their subject. I mean there are no extravagant set ups. She uses what is around her to create stunning portraits of children. Fancy that!
The great thing about photographing children is this: you don't need a ton of props and backdrops and all things that cost you a bajillion dollars. You need a subject. That's what needs to be communicated via your portrait. Keep it simple. Have fun with the child. Make it fun for the child and the portrait will communicate well.
How about learning to photograph newborns... Oh boy! That's an entirely different feat in itself. Did you know the average newborn posed session lasts up to 4 hours! There are so many ways you can become better at what you do just by putting yourself out there. Looking at the many resources available to you. Working with others who are more than willing to help you, teach you or offer classes.
Check out these two photographers! There work is fantastic, and my hat goes off to them for having an abundance of kindness and patience for what they do.
Just a simple direction towards a hug. Little sisters love to hug each other! What a keepsake to have on your wall too! Every time they are fighting when they are older, you can gently remind them how much they love each other. Ha ha! Sorry flashback to my childhood... where my sister and I built an entire wall out of dressers down the middle of our room!
The wonderful world of photography is so rewarding. It is constantly teaching me something EVERY SINGLE DAY! It is pretty amazing to say that you have a job or a hobby that literally evolves constantly. In other words you can't get bored! It's not the same ole' same ole' day in and day out. There are new technologies available regularly. There are tutorials online to teach you. There are other photographers, myself included who want to learn alongside of you.
Go out and create something that totally blows what you have been doing up until this point out of the water! Then share your experience with the world. That's right, don't be afraid. Knowledge is power and with knowledge comes understanding. The better you become at something the more able you are to do it well. Then continue to raise the bar on doing it better!
Thanks for spending your time reading the blog today! I hope you enjoyed the information shared! LIVE.LAUGH.PHOTO. <3 Ariel