Oh my goodness, where do I begin?
First off I had the MOST amazing time with Amy & Justin, they truly were such a fun couple to spend a Saturday night with! We met later in the afternoon because we were going for some golden light along with the sun going down for the night.
We started out in downtown buffalo where there was a ridiculous amount of people out and about. That's when the cat calls, the whistles, asking permission to be in a "photo" and getting changed in the street kicked off..... It was pretty hilarious.. not going to lie there!
I knew we were going to have a ton of fun because when I first met Justin I just knew I could use his sarcastic and funny attitude to get Amy smiling. And smile she did! All he had to do was whisper and the smiles just kept coming. I was rolling in laughter. Literally. I haven't laughed that hard in a really long time.
We left the Cobblestone District and went down to Tift Nature Preserve with enough time to still slide by Times Beach. We counted so many deer it was crazy! I haven't ever seen that many deer in my entire life, and at the same time so close to us. They climbed trees and we hiked around the park a bit, talking and laughing (because laughter is the best medicine).
About 30 minutes before the sun was about to set we drove over to Times Beach which was our last spot for the night. We did a little exploring and went up to the rock wall that goes into the lake. It was really cool to see the opposing industrial buildings across the street in conjunction to the nature scene we were in. Again like a bajillion deer were just hanging out and these ones were super close to us! We tried to talk to them. We told them we were just passing through and to please not kick us haha! Amy and Justin braved the cold water for about 1 minute to capture a water portrait which was cool! Then we headed up to the sculpture park and ended off with a beautiful dance at the top of the hill.
It was a really fun night and I seriously can't wait to spend the day with these two for their wedding! Thanks you Amy & Justin for being just what I needed that Saturday night! Looking forward to working with you two again really soon!
Thanks for reading along with me today, hope you enjoyed! LIVE.LAUGH.PHOTO. <3 Ariel