How to prepare for calling your wedding photographer... top 5 questions to ask! Written by Ariel Hawkins Photography - Buffalo Wedding Photographer
How to prepare for calling your wedding photographer... top 5 questions to ask!
#1 Are you available for my date... (seems silly but you can't always assume that the photographer you're asking is available)? Or if you aren't available do you have an associate photographer that your company uses?
#2 Can you show me a full gallery from a wedding you've shot recently? Sometimes just looking at the photographers website you'll find a blog or two of recently shot weddings. But sometimes these can be just highlights of the day and not give a FULL view of the entire day. It's OKAY, to ask to see this. This can show you what your photographer's style is like throughout the day and is important in making the decision.
#3 What is it like to work with you? THIS. So much this. This is SUPER important in my opinion because you want someone you're going to CLICK with.. haha get it? All jokes aside though... you want to know what it's like to work with that person for an entire day plus that year leading up to your wedding and after your wedding. One of the best places I send my client's to find that out is my google reviews. I believe they speak for themselves *pat's self on shoulder, but seriously this is a great way to find out what other's thought about working with someone. You can find my reviews here:
#4 What is your backup plan like for unpredictable events or in case someone gets sick? For the most part your photographer has a plan and has several clauses within their contract to handle situations just like this! Asking them about it can help you feel at ease but also be wary of someone who shrugs this off... that's a red flag!d
#5 What do you packages include? Are there any hidden fees? Sometimes when searching for a photographer you'll find a price page on their website that says packages starting at XXX... or you'll just find packages with no price and call to inquire for pricing. I have all of my packages right on the website in black and white so you know exactly the price and what's included. I usually like to reach out to my inquiring clients to find out exactly what their big day is going to be like as well because this can help me place them in the package that is right for THEM!
Hope this helps answer a few questions for you! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to shoot me an inquiry about your big day!
Melissa & Zach
Photographed by Ariel Hawkins Photography in 2022 - Formals shot at Chestnut Ridge State Park and Reception held at New York Beer Project in Lockport, NY.