Amanda and Aj get married at the Creekside Banquets - Photographed by Ariel Hawkins Photography

Amanda and Aj get married at the Creekside Banquets - Photographed by Ariel Hawkins Photography

I loved working with Amanda & Aj on their wedding day!

When I arrived I met with Aj and he showed me around nervously which was extra adorable because I could see how excited he was about the big day! I hung out with him and his groomsmen for a little bit until Amanda arrived. Amanda had a beautiful dress and was also full of excitement about the big day!

Their ceremony was short, funny and sweet and although our plans to go out to a park nearby fell through we still had a great time walking around in the back of the venue, trying to avoid goose poop bombs (haha - look at the photos!).

Overall though it was such a good day and I could tell how much these two really enjoy each other and that right there is what makes my photographer heart happy!

Thanks friends! Hope you enjoyed reading along, Live.Laugh.Photo. Love, Ariel
