Carla & Bob + 3 Fall urban session at the Cobblestone District, Buffalo, NY

Carla and Bob really do have a great family. Well balanced with 3 beautiful children who you can't help but smile when your around them. They wanted an urban session, something timeless and fun and I think we hit this one on the nail! 

We started our session at the Naval yard in Buffalo, NY, and quickly realized it was Veterans Day and there were a million people out! So we headed down to the Cobblestone district by The First Niagara Center. A nice little 9 minute walk from the Naval yard. As we were walking, we chatted about our kids. It's funny that a parent of a teenager has some of the exact same concerns as a parent of a 6 year old. We chatted about schools and life in general and it was nice. 

As we arrived at Illinois Street, I could see that this was the spot that would be great for our session. As long as we watched out for cars here and there the street was ours.

 I've been known to have a big heart for kids. These three kiddos were absolutely AWESOME! They  remind me exactly of my family  growing up. It's funny to watch the interactions of the three of them and see such a close bond as well as the typical your my sibling and that's mine. It was exactly the same with my sister and brother! I had Robert behind me making his sisters laugh, and then Bob came up to help Robert laugh... it was great! I barely had to say a word, they just laughed and had fun with me like a camera wasn't even there. 

There is something wonderful about a family bond. It is irreplaceable and you wouldn't be the same person you are without your family.  Family. Unconditional love, it's a beautiful thing! 

So today while I sit in my studio with a -1 windchill and 3-4 feet of snow all around the greater buffalo area, I dream about that wonderful 60+ degree day in November that we had for this session. It was one last beautiful day to get out and have fun before the inevitable. SNOW. Boy did we have some fun! 

I love that my job takes me places, and that I get to meet new people! Thanks for the wonderful time guys, I hope to be out and about with you again in the near future! 

