The Chavez family is welcoming a new baby boy!
It's hard for me to write a story about this family, it isn't because I lack the words to say! I could literally WRITE A BOOK about them! I will keep it short, sweet and simple today.
The Chavez family is comprised of my little sister, her husband, my nephew and soon to be BABY BOY #2!
It's great to be able to write this from the position of not only a sister but a best friend, a mother and a wife. Family is something we all strive towards. Love, companionship, a friend and just someone to laugh with!
Krystal is a Spanish teacher at Pembroke Junior/Senior High School as well as a Health and Fitness Coach at Fit Yourself. Moy is a Chemical Operator who loves his family and would do anything for just about anyone! He is a really dedicated father. Their son Kristian is my BNF (best nephew forever)! He is creative beyond words, super sweet and about to be a big brother! With an almost 9 year gap between children we are all excited what new challenges we will face as well as how the boys will take to the new little guy. But oh my gosh, seriously I CAN'T WAIT TO SNUGGLE THIS GUY!
This will be a really special moment for Moy in particular because he was not here for the birth of their first son and not because he didn't want to be here. Krystal and Moy went through a lot to make things work and to get him here so that they could share this wonderful life together! It's actually a really great love story <3. Maybe one day I'll get into it more....
It's a beautiful life and I am so happy for the Chavez family! Hope you enjoyed reading along today!