noun: bribery; plural noun: briberies
the giving or offering of a bribe.
"a bribery scandal"
See, the problem with offering a child a good (candy) in return for a service (such as a smile) is an age old dilemma.
What happens when the child doesn't want to smile? What happens when they don't want to sit still? What happens if they just want to cry the entire time you're trying to get those gorgeous family photos??
There are so many different variables to any situation when you're out on someone else's determinism. This meaning "WE" as parents are just trying to get the shot. "THEY" as kids are like ... whatever. So we want them to act accordingly and they just want to do whatever the heck in the neck they want to.
So how do we come to a compromise and make both Mom & Babies happy?
Well, I'll tell you this, we don't have to sell our souls to the devil nor do we need to promise a gift in return to receive the so called "GOOD" behavior.
It's a simple trick I use every time I'm out with kiddos. You ready?
Give them some determinism. BOOM. Simple right?
It's so silly but seriously I have been working with children for years and years and each time I have implemented this little trick in our session they brighten right up and want to lead the day away!
A good Professional photographer is going to know how to grab what you need from your session. I know sometimes it can be daunting to think about the what if's of a session. You know the what if my kid is a stink. What if my kid won't listen to anything the photographer asks or says. What if they don't smile.. so on and so forth.
BUT! If you allow them to HELP you with the session and let them pick out some spots, make silly faces, jump around, and lead you to where they want to go.. BELIEVE me you they will produce those smiles and natural looks all day long!
So to summarize this conversation:
1: NO BRIBES. They are often used as a threat. That just totally beats the kid up if they keep doing what they want, not listening to what you want them to do and then in the end don't even get what was promised. That equals an unhappy, sad child who doesn't want to do photos at all.
2: Give your kids some power of choice and watch them blossom!
I challenge you to do this with your kids when you're trying to grab cute photos of them in your daily lives. Ask them what they want to do. Or where they would like to go or even how they want to pose! Then they will be so much more amenable to doing what you want them to do too!
Hope you enjoyed this article! If there's ever any info you would love to know from me, please don't hesitate to ask away!